Join NAHOF as we induct Robert Everett, Calvin Fairbank and Stephen Myers into the the National Abolition Hall of Fame. We have an exciting program lined up for the occasion:
Friday October 21
7pm: Welsh music and poetry - a tribute to Rev. Robert Everett, at Peterboro United Methodist Church (5240 Pleasant Valley Road, Peterboro NY 13134)
Saturday October 22
10am: Guided tour of the Gerrit Smith Estate National Historic Landmark (5304 Oxbow Road, Peterboro NY 13134)
11am: National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum opens
12pm: Presentation from descendants of Calvin Fairbank about his ancestral home in Massachusetts
1:30pm: Presentation on Robert Everett
2:30pm: Presentation on Calvin Fairbank
3:30pm: Presentation on Stephen Myers
5pm: 19th century Antislavery Dinner
7pm: Nominations of inductees and Hall of Fame banners revealed
Sunday October 23
7:30am: Registration for the Abolitionist Freedom Walk opens (at the Canaltown Museum in Canastota). You can also register online ahead of the event at AbolitionRoad.org.
8:30am: Reenactment of the landing of 104 delegates driven out of Utica October 21, 1835 for attempting to establish the New York Antislavery Society and interpretive sign revealed (at the Canaltown Museum in Canastota)
- 9am: Aboltionist Freedom Walk commences (at the Canaltown Museum in Canastota)
- 9:30am: Walking tour about the Great Cazenovia Fugitive Slave Law Convention of 1850. Meet at 9 Sullivan Street, Cazenovia NY 13035 (not part of the Abolitionist Freedom Walk)
- 10:30am: Reenactment and sign unveiling in Clockville to present the activities of the abolitionists along the way to Peterboro (part of the Abolitionist Freedom Walk)
- 11am: Abolitionist Freedom Walk finishes at the Canaltown Museum in Canastota
- 1pm: Reenactment and sign describing the October 22, 1835 arrival of the NYS Antislavery society revealed, followed by a free reception (in Peterboro)
- 2pm: Presentation about Stephen Myers' role in the Florence Farming and Lumber Community / Association in Oneida County